Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday Night French Film

I didn't really make "resolutions" this year... but I did make a short list of things I'd like to do this year. Among them...
  • Take a real vacation
  • Take a language class (French, Italian & Spanish are always on my list but Japanese caught my eye in the university's CE catalog)
  • Try some new foods (i kicked ass on this one last year... just sayin')
  • Watch more French films
Oh, see that last one? I started that one tonight. Friday nights seem made for a chilled bottle of wine & a classic French film. I probably won't do it every Friday, I can't commit to returning my movies that efficiently. Heh. But once or twice a month should be doable. Tonight's feature?

And God Created Woman

Holy moly. Young Brigitte Bardot really is quite sexy. It was very entertaining... I had to giggle though that what drove the husband to shoot a gun off wasn't that she bonked his brother but that she got drunk & danced all sexy like for about 10 minutes. Scandalous!

Monday, January 4, 2010


Did you know there was a whole blog dedicated to adorable baby zoo animals? No? Well, now you do. You're welcome.


Oh. Hello.

I created this blog over a month ago as a fresh start... and then busy got the best of me. That's just the way it goes. Now it's the new year and it seems like a good time for an even fresher start.

As soon as I get my new internet working, I'll try my best to make everything a little prettier around here. Here's what you can expect...

A girl. A dog. A house. And many random thoughts & interests.

Looking forward to it.