Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Try it (again). You might like it (this time).

So yesterday was one of those kinds of Mondays... the ones that are actually on Tuesday because you had a 3-day weekend. Ha. Anyway it was a crap day & as a result, I did not want to make dinner when I got home. You know those days. I had no idea what I had to eat at home after eating at restaurants all weekend... but then I remembered something that I had picked up on my last trip to the grocery. A bag of frozen Chipotle Roasted Sweet Potatoes & Vegetables by Alexia Foods.

It was pretty random for me... because I have not ever liked sweet potatoes. But the other day I ordered a pizza w/green peppers & mushrooms. And I didn't used to like those either. So what the hell, right? Plus, it had the word Chipotle in it & when has any food w/that word in it ever sucked?

Anyhoodle, this bag of frozen stuff had sweet potatoes, black beans, corn, onions, & red peppers and a bag of seasoned oil. It's super easy to make: heat up oil, dump bag in pan, cook for 8-10 min. So I did that. Then I added eggs. And some leftover shredded cheese.

OMFG. Dee-li-cious.

And now I like sweet potatoes. Sometimes that's just how it works w/me.

34 etc

So now that I'm no longer 33, does that mean I should start a new blog (again)? Heh.

I think I stay here for now... after all, that's why I added the "etc."

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Have you ever heard of Kickstarter? I hadn't until today. I LOVE the concept. People like you and me can help fund other people's creative projects. How fun! And a little like public tv/radio, you get little extras for pledging to a project. And you only pay if it reaches it's pre-determined goal. I learned about this project from swiss-miss and it was my first pledge: