Saturday, June 26, 2010

Equal Time

I posted a photo of Ginger so it's only fair that Goyle gets some attention...

Here he is circa springtime rolling in his yard... Not only does he have a big ol' yard in the city but it's like a nature reserve around here. The benefits of living near a metropark, I guess. Bunnies & chipmucks & deer, oh my! We're working on a fence so he (and Ginger) can be free of chains. My busted up ankle will be happy about that, too.

What? I'm busy.

Oh the long sad tale of keeping up w/blogging...

So what have I been up to while I wasn't updating this blog?
  • Normal Stuff like working/playing/shopping
  • Tearing apart things but not putting them back together on my house to-do list
  • Doing endless yard work
  • Giving into the curiosity & I watching those Twilight movies... they both sucked
  • Adding/Rearranging my house to-do list (buying a house is like throwing money into a fire)
  • Adopting a big sister for Goyle (see below)
  • Giving up on my 14 yr old Pontiac & buying my first new new car
  • Um, blogging occasionally here: 33etc
  • Trying to decide where I want to blog
  • God, isn't that enough for you? :D
Introducing Ginger (aka Gingerbean, Gingersnap, Harper, Short Stack)

Little girl is 7 yr old-ish Corgi/Beagle mix (allegedly, I think she's a Corgi/Yellow Lab mix) who enjoys long walks around Northwest Akron (or wherever I take her), eating (everything really), sitting in the shade, standing under my feet, ignoring her annoying little brother, & barking at every noise ever.

As for where to blog... I had chosen posterous but then blogger (fucking finally) got new templates. So I'm back here for now, I think.