About 3 years ago, I bought 2 brand new sofas. A month or so later, I bought a puppy named Goyle. Guess how that worked out? Needless to say, by the time I bought my house last year, I had 0 sofas. I've been making do with a very cool & comfy round vintage chair I bought a few years back. The problem is that I have 60 lbs of puppies who want to hang out on this chair with me... and that wasn't very comfy. Plus the cushion is now in pieces in another room. Goyle.
In my basement is another thrifting score - a knockoff
Case Study Daybed. It's also cushion-less but that one isn't Goyle's fault. The cushions smelled like someone smoked 4000 packs of cigarettes on while sitting on them. No amount of Fabreeze would cure them so they went into the trash. The plan was to buy new cushions & fabric & switch out the peg legs for hairpin legs and voila! New couch.
Oh projects, why do you have to be so projecty?
I haven't really been looking for a new sofa because I have other $$$ priorities. I do, however, sit on most of the sofas when I'm at a store that sells such things (Crate & Barrel, West Elm, DWR, etc.). In my opinion, West Elm has not solved the comfy part of the perfect couch equation. The
Petrie Sofa from Crate & Barrel has been my dream sofa since it came out. But that's $400 more than I paid for both the sofas that my dog ate! Last time I was there, I also sat on the
Shelter Sofa. Holy smokes, that is one comfortable couch. But WHOA... $3K?! Nope. So, you know... a new couch prolly wasn't happening anytime soon.
Monday, on my 48th trip to Home Depot for my fence project, I stopped into my favorite local used furniture store that's closed on Sundays when I'm usually feeling thrifty. I was looking for a little mid-century dresser for a CD/DVD storage idea I have stuck in my head. No dresser. But a TV stand/cabinet for $25!! On my way to tell the guy to dig it out for me, something caught my eye.
"Oh," I said (to myself), "I like the shape of that chair." Walks over to chair. "HOLY SHIT! There's a matching sofa! And they're both ADORABLE!! Look at those cute legs! And they're in great shape! And, they look so clean!" (sniff) "They don't stink!" Lifts up sofa cushion. "Fuck. Sleeper Sofa. Those are HEAVY and friends & family won't help move them." Sits on sofa all pouty like. "Wait. I just moved. I'm not moving anywhere anytime soon (I hope) and plus, I hire movers when I move." Looks at price. "$169 for the set!?" To store guy, "Do you deliver?"
They deliver. :D