Saturday, February 5, 2011

Your Daily Cholesterol

You may have heard that the government people put out some new dietary guidelines this week... Eat less food. Eat more veggies/fruits/whole grains, yada yada yada. Your basic common sense stuff that many Americans (including me quite a lot of my life) choose to ignore. The government will also ignore this data by continuing to subsidize crops (like corn & soy) that are mostly broken down & added into cheap nasty (but often delicious) overly processed foods. And by green-lighting any GMO thing some gross corporation I will not name comes up with, which will spread around & make life harder for the organic food industry. But, I'm not here to bitch about our broken food industry. I'm here to share with you a little sandwich I invented* that laughs in the face of the gov's recommended daily cholesterol consumption (< 300mg/day).

Now on a daily basis, I don't eat a lot of high cholesterol foods (meat, dairy, eggs). So I think it's perfectly reasonable to splurge a little on the weekend, as long as you're aware that it's splurging. (side note: I just realized my shirt is on inside out - go me!) And this sandwich is my Saturday brunch splurge.

Let's look at the ingredients:

Simple enough, eh?
  • Onion ciabattini (from West Point Market)
  • 2 eggs (organic free range - local if you got 'em)
  • Smoked hot pepper cheddar cheese (shredded) (from West Point Market)
  • Oh, and butter (I use light butter)
Sometimes, I only use one egg. And you could easily just use eggs whites. There are many ways to vary this to make it a bit less heart-deadly. But this is the way I originally made it, so this is what I wanted to share w/you. Here's what you do... fry your eggs (or scramble them, whatever you prefer). When I first break the eggs onto my griddle, I sort of corral them into a rectangle shape w/a spatula until they set. While the first side of the egg is cooking, slice the ciabattini bread in half (1 sandwich is only half the size of that bread in the photo above) & then slice it down the center lengthwise to make it 2 pieces of bread. Butter the outside of the bread & shred a little cheese. Flip your egg to let the other side cook & sprinkle the cheese on top of the already cooked side. When the egg is done, fold it over so that the cheese is in the center, all melty & delicious like. Now grill the buttered side of the bread & build your sandwich. The end result will look something like this:

It's DIVINE. Trust. Don't even think about the cholesterol, just enjoy it.

*it sounds so dumb to say you "invented" something that is essentially 3 ingredients... but I guess there's a million ways to make a breakfast sandwich & it's all how you vary those simple ingredients, right?

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